Account Deletion

Thank you for being a part of the Smarty community.

If you wish to delete your Smarty account, please follow the steps below:

  1. Send Deletion Request Email: Please send an email to

  2. Include Necessary Information: In your email, provide the following information (Same information as registered) to help us process your request promptly:

    • Full Name

    • Phone Number

    • Date of Birth

    • Reason for Account Deletion (optional but valuable for our improvement)

  3. Verification Process: To ensure the security of your account, we may need to verify your identity. Once we receive your deletion request, our support team will guide you through the verification process.

  4. Confirmation of Deletion: Once your account deletion request is verified, your Smarty account will be scheduled for deletion within 15 days. During this period, you will no longer have access to the app.

  5. Preventing Re-registration: After the deletion process is complete, If you wish to use Smarty again in the future, you will need to re-registration again to create a new account.

Last updated